Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Book a Day...

Keeps the shrink away? 

I majored in English in college.  That means a couple of things.  First, everyone will ask you what you plan to be when you graduate.  My favorite was someone at the university (in one of the science departments, shocking) who asked me if I planned to go to law school after graduating with my degree and when I told her no, she asked if I just planned to drive a cab. 
Little known fact, those are the only two options for English majors. 

(Of note, dear science person, I'm doin' alright with my little English degree.)

But I digress.

The other thing you do is read.  All.The.Time.  Big books, little books, short stories, Shakespearean books.

I kept reading pretty regularly until the child made her appearance.  Ahem.  8 years ago. Over the last 8 years I started to lose my ability to read much more than 140 characters.  2014 is the year this changes.  

One of my old high school friends (we are old, our 20-year reunion is next year assuming someone plans it....knowing our class we'll have a 21.5-year reunion), but anyway, she challenged herself to read an average of one book a week this year.  I think it's a wise and (relatively) reasonable plan.

This means I need to get friendly with the library again, and figure out how to get library books (and learn about other lending sites) for the iPad.  I have been anti-reading on electronics since the beginning of time, but in the past few months I've embraced iBooks.  It's full of genius, that app.

I've read some fantastic books in the last few months as I retrained my brain to have an attention span:

Written by JK Rowling under her pseudonym - a marked improvement of her first attempt at a novel directed at adults.

Beautiful and impossibly difficult to read.  But rise above and read it, because it is spectacular.

Intense doesn't begin to describe We are Water.  It is wonderful and powerful.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Another hard read, but worth every emotion. 

This was a quick and great read.  Not particularly mind-enhancing but I'd recommend it.

Fantastic book - she's brilliant at weaving together multiple lives.  I'll be reading more of her work this year.  

This is my current selection at the recommendation of many.  Thus far a page-turner.

What are you reading?

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