Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Mouse

Someone posted this on Facebook and it is genius.  And so, freakin', accurate.

We are all jonesing for a trip to Disney World.  We have had to skip this year (and probably next) since we bought this little summer place.  It's not that I regret the buying of this place, but I sure do miss our annual escape to the Mouse's House.

I still have a hard time believing I've become one of those Disney people.  As a native Californian I grew up going to Disneyland.  I was a dancer on the Central Coast and we used to perform on the Carnation Plaza Stage every summer.  My sweet father has hated Disney since the year they made us PAY to get into the park to perform.  He remains bitter to this day a couple decades  years later, and refuses to set foot on Disney property.

Then I married into a family that used to take (at least) annual trips to Disney.  And I spent a lot of time saying no, not interested in going and arguing that Disneyland and Disney World are one in the same.

I will say this just this once ....... I was wrong.  Disney World is the greatest place on earth.  Truly.  If I could go every 6 months I'd be a happy camper.  I love the escape of it all.  Almost nothing fills me with more joy than seeing this (live, obviously).

We are starting to dream up our next trip, squirreling away extra money where we can, can't wait to again enter the People Trap.

(16 months is really not that far away.  Right?  Right?)

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