Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Is The New Year

So....Happy 2013!  

I can't believe it's March.  March!  Already!  We're only 9 months away from Christmas.  Just sayin'.  

We are, in theory, in a season of change.  Looking for a new house, hemming and hawing over which new car to buy, contemplating which direction our life will take next.  

I wish I could say it was exciting, but it is unsettling and stressful.  And expensive. Massachusetts is obscenely overpriced.  To get a nice  -- heck, even renovation needing -- house in a good school system, well, let's just say you could feed a small country to infinity and beyond.  (And CA folks, cool your jets, I know it's still more expensive there.)

We decided we could even scrap the good school system and leave Arden in the school we've all come to love, but this pre-Spring market is just sparse.  It's distressing.  We need to win the lottery.

While we are angst filled in many areas, we recognize that we are incredibly lucky to have good, steady jobs in a time that so many are dueling with uncertainty. 

So we will keep looking and assume that one day the perfect situation will waltz into our lives.  And if it doesn't we will just book a trip to Disney and call it a day.

I'd promise to post more but every time I promise that I fail so let's just pretend I'll post again to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

And with that I will leave you with one of my favorite Glee moments of this season.  Love this cover of This is the New Year.  Love this show that has changed countless lives and inspires me to figure out how to change just as many lives.  Stay tuned for more on that...

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