Well, technically it's Sunday.
I spent most of today purging our house. With Arden starting her new school on Tuesday I am trying to get the household organized. Everything changes with the new school year. Dora assumes the glamorous job of dropping the kiddo off while I will do pick-up. Breakfast at school is not longer an option so I'm coming up with creative breakfast ideas that Arden can eat in the car.
I bought some fancy new Bento style lunch boxes from www.easylunchboxes.com. Trying to get creative with the lunches too -- making interesting things that the child will approve of. Always a challenge. We are again in a nut free environment so there goes the idea of peanut butter sandwiches as a quick, easy and non-cold requiring option once in awhile.
Anyway, I did a total overhaul of the child's closet. It's now ready to fill with all the new clothes we've been acquiring over the past month or so. I finally parted with stuff that I was holding onto for no good reason. I even had a pair of tiny tights from her baby years hanging up in the closet. I think it's safe to say that 6-12 month sized tights will not fit the child.
We located the missing pieces from her school list today -- a 1inch black binder and dividers. The first day of school dress arrived yesterday (thanks Grandma Mary!), so all signs point to us being ready for Tuesday to arrive.
I just wonder if our emotions are ready...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Growing Pains
Another glamorous Monday in our lives. I've been thinking about motherhood a lot lately, and will elaborate in a more extensive post in the coming days. Suffice it to say, it's going too fast, I feel like I blinked and the last six years disappeared, and I fear that if I blink again she will be 12. We run and run and run and miss the most important things. So today after work and school, I didn't immediately deal with the chores that needed my attention. We played a few games of Crazy 8s and then went for a 2.5 mile walk with the dog. Halfway through the walk she took my hand. Someday soon she will think she's too big for that, won't she?
Here she is this morning, the first day of her last week at Little Sprouts ... she's been at this location of LS since she was around 18 months old. Next week will bring big changes.
Here she is this morning, the first day of her last week at Little Sprouts ... she's been at this location of LS since she was around 18 months old. Next week will bring big changes.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thank You, Irene...
For the excuse to bake. We (apparently) made the executive decision to go off of our regularly scheduled food programming today. It's the hurricane's fault. I also needed to go through some of our CSA produce.
First up...zucchini bread. I use the recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. It's okay. It's a very dense bread. I need to play with other recipes to see if I like them any better. Not that we're really eating baked goods these days....(10 months until the wedding).
I shredded a giant zucchini for the bread, and still had two cups leftover. I found a recipe for chocolate zucchini muffins ... they are delicious and were so easy to make. A good way to get rid of the overload of zucchini.
On an actual healthy I note I found a great recipe that used up zucchini, tomatoes and corn, all things we needed to use up from last week's CSA. Even Dora liked it! And it was so easy to make. The recipe calls for yellow squash but I substituted zucchini.
Braised Yellow Squash, Corn and Tomatoes
First up...zucchini bread. I use the recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. It's okay. It's a very dense bread. I need to play with other recipes to see if I like them any better. Not that we're really eating baked goods these days....(10 months until the wedding).
I shredded a giant zucchini for the bread, and still had two cups leftover. I found a recipe for chocolate zucchini muffins ... they are delicious and were so easy to make. A good way to get rid of the overload of zucchini.
On an actual healthy I note I found a great recipe that used up zucchini, tomatoes and corn, all things we needed to use up from last week's CSA. Even Dora liked it! And it was so easy to make. The recipe calls for yellow squash but I substituted zucchini.
Braised Yellow Squash, Corn and Tomatoes
The Girl, She's Growing Up...
Big day in our house this weekend. We had hair appointments on Saturday. Arden always comes with us and Arthur (A. Quinn Hair Studios, he's the best!) gives her a trim. Well, this time she asked for a cut. Difficult as it was we let her. I went in the back to have my brows done and came out and had a little girl with hair just below her shoulders. And it looks awesome....and it's more manageable, which I think is fantastic. Most importantly, the kiddo loves it.
6 inches of hair!
In progress....
So, so excited...
6 inches of hair!

In progress....

Monday, August 15, 2011
Susie Homemaker Goes Local...and Primal
This little creature wasn't feeling well this morning. She stayed home from school and watched mentally stimulating tv like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while I worked.
I decided to let the fall like weather inspire me to actually maximize my non-commuting status for the day. I cooked for our primal food approach (who needs grains?) and tried to use the abundance of CSA produce we had left in the fridge before tomorrow evening's pickup.
I roasted a chicken (raised by our friends, assisted into the next life by D...how's that for local?) and made CSA grown green beans.
We had peaches that were on their last legs so I roasted them with a little butter, sugar and cinnamon. We finished off with a touch of heavy cream and voila 'dessert'.
I also chopped 8 or 9 yellow and green squashes to be used in a veggie heavy soup that D will make tomorrow.....

I roasted a chicken (raised by our friends, assisted into the next life by D...how's that for local?) and made CSA grown green beans.
We had peaches that were on their last legs so I roasted them with a little butter, sugar and cinnamon. We finished off with a touch of heavy cream and voila 'dessert'.

I also chopped 8 or 9 yellow and green squashes to be used in a veggie heavy soup that D will make tomorrow.....
Sunday, August 14, 2011
This weekend's adventures included me allowing someone to come at my child's ears with a gun. Arden has been contemplating getting her ears pierced for around a year...though I would say before now I wasn't comfortable letting her do it.
We walked by a store that did it, she asked and I said yes. She picked out little aqua studs. She did ask before they started if she could just get one pierced 'like the pirates' -- but stodgy ol' me required 2 or 0. She was a trooper -- no tears, barely a flinch. She picked out anchors for her second pair of earrings.
It's going to be a long 8 weeks of 'when can I put in my anchors' ...
We walked by a store that did it, she asked and I said yes. She picked out little aqua studs. She did ask before they started if she could just get one pierced 'like the pirates' -- but stodgy ol' me required 2 or 0. She was a trooper -- no tears, barely a flinch. She picked out anchors for her second pair of earrings.
It's going to be a long 8 weeks of 'when can I put in my anchors' ...

Friday, August 12, 2011
Things That Are Pitiful
My lack of attention to this blog. I started another blog .... focused more on the issues we face in life due to our family makeup. And while I will continue to blog there, I can't give up the actual life blog. I mean really, our life is far too exciting to deprive others from reading about it.
Stay tuned for something mildly interesting and creative.
Stay tuned for something mildly interesting and creative.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pinky Swear
Grandma Joanne and Pops visited for about 9 days over the last couple of weeks. Sadly they departed on the plane last Friday, despite numerous offers by me that they could take up residence in our perfectly lovely attic.
Before they jetted back to the West Coast, they bought the kid a new bike. Her first no training wheels 2-wheeler. From a real life bike store, Buchika's (www.buchikas.com). The guy who helped us (might have been the owner) knew on immediate sight of Arden what size bike would fit her -- the 20 inch. After no hemming and hawing over which color (blue, since there was no red), and a couple of conversations with her grandparents, Arden came home with her shiny new bike. We padded her to the hilt for her first ride, expecting falls and tears and blood and bruises. And, as she has done since birth, she did things her own way and took off flying around the reservoir like she'd been doing it all her life.
We've been out with the bike nearly every day and today she suggested we pinky swear that we go every night after school. She may be the best personal trainer out there ... 2.6 miles tonight. Needless to say, I can't quite keep up with her, but at least I burn calories trying.
Photographic evidence of the first ride below:

Before they jetted back to the West Coast, they bought the kid a new bike. Her first no training wheels 2-wheeler. From a real life bike store, Buchika's (www.buchikas.com). The guy who helped us (might have been the owner) knew on immediate sight of Arden what size bike would fit her -- the 20 inch. After no hemming and hawing over which color (blue, since there was no red), and a couple of conversations with her grandparents, Arden came home with her shiny new bike. We padded her to the hilt for her first ride, expecting falls and tears and blood and bruises. And, as she has done since birth, she did things her own way and took off flying around the reservoir like she'd been doing it all her life.
We've been out with the bike nearly every day and today she suggested we pinky swear that we go every night after school. She may be the best personal trainer out there ... 2.6 miles tonight. Needless to say, I can't quite keep up with her, but at least I burn calories trying.
Photographic evidence of the first ride below:
Friday, June 10, 2011
I grew up in a small-ish college town on the Central Coast of CA. The kind of place where you could get anywhere in 15 minutes. With the picturesque downtown minutes from the ocean. The kind of place where we were dropped off at the dance studio at 3pm every afternoon during the week, and 9am on Saturdays and were safe to wander to our favorite haunts between classes.
And, of course, the place I couldn't wait to leave when I graduated from high school. I had to go out and explore the world. I had visions of moving east, where dammit, there were seasons. Year round nice weather was entirely overrated. I never said I was wise back then.
My hometown's perfection was validated this year a la Oprah. She did a segment on its placement as happiest city in America, therefore it must be true.
I don't know that you can go back to where you came from. (Yes, I just ended that sentence in a preposition.) I imagine much has changed in the 15 years since I've spent any length of time there. Maybe I've created some heightened version of SLO through my memories...but sometimes I do wish I could just go back. Living there would go a long way to achieving the slower life I so desperately want some days.
One of these days we'll make it back. I will torture my family with a drive up the coast. Eating in my favorite old restaurants. Visiting where I went to school, the old studio and my old house. The light at the end of the tunnel of my memories will be the promise of a trip to Disneyland. I think my wife and child would tolerate just about anything for a hit of the Mouse.
And, of course, the place I couldn't wait to leave when I graduated from high school. I had to go out and explore the world. I had visions of moving east, where dammit, there were seasons. Year round nice weather was entirely overrated. I never said I was wise back then.
My hometown's perfection was validated this year a la Oprah. She did a segment on its placement as happiest city in America, therefore it must be true.
I don't know that you can go back to where you came from. (Yes, I just ended that sentence in a preposition.) I imagine much has changed in the 15 years since I've spent any length of time there. Maybe I've created some heightened version of SLO through my memories...but sometimes I do wish I could just go back. Living there would go a long way to achieving the slower life I so desperately want some days.
One of these days we'll make it back. I will torture my family with a drive up the coast. Eating in my favorite old restaurants. Visiting where I went to school, the old studio and my old house. The light at the end of the tunnel of my memories will be the promise of a trip to Disneyland. I think my wife and child would tolerate just about anything for a hit of the Mouse.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May 17th
May 17th, 2004. Midnight. Cambridge, MA.
Same sex marriage has been legal for seven years now.
And the world has yet to end.
To the plaintiff couples who bravely stood up for equality, you are extraordinary. Thank you for paving the path.
Same sex marriage has been legal for seven years now.
And the world has yet to end.
To the plaintiff couples who bravely stood up for equality, you are extraordinary. Thank you for paving the path.
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Joneses...
....and keeping up with them.
Arden and I had to go to the dairy this evening. Our dairy is a couple of towns over in Dracut, MA. I am intrigued by this town. It's small town farm country just steps away from the congested city in which we live.
For some reason, I think the homes we wind by are happy homes. There is nothing spectacular about most of them. The simple cape with the meticulous garden out front ... the ranch with the carport and the funny looking lawn jockey...the house that flies the NE Patriots flag and hosts game day for the neighborhood.
Deeper into Dracut though, the farms are being taken over by McMansion-ville. Giant, cheaply made, soul-less houses. We know. We looked at one about a year ago. Yep, it was all shiny and new, but I think I could have put a finger through the dry wall. But these...these are the houses of the Joneses, aren't they? We live in a world where the happy little capes just aren't enough. We must have bigger, we must have better than our friends and colleagues. We compare our houses and cars and lives to the ones our high school friends have ... thank you, Facebook, for making that possible. High school competition revisited in adulthood.
Echo Lake Productions captures the world in which we live in brilliant fashion with The Joneses. We stumbled across this movie on On Demand recently, and it is worth the watch. It is insightful and, frankly, frighteningly accurate.

Maybe one of these days we'll buy one of these happy little homes...well...happy little farms in Dracut, and the cow grazing next to the road will be ours.
Arden and I had to go to the dairy this evening. Our dairy is a couple of towns over in Dracut, MA. I am intrigued by this town. It's small town farm country just steps away from the congested city in which we live.
For some reason, I think the homes we wind by are happy homes. There is nothing spectacular about most of them. The simple cape with the meticulous garden out front ... the ranch with the carport and the funny looking lawn jockey...the house that flies the NE Patriots flag and hosts game day for the neighborhood.
Deeper into Dracut though, the farms are being taken over by McMansion-ville. Giant, cheaply made, soul-less houses. We know. We looked at one about a year ago. Yep, it was all shiny and new, but I think I could have put a finger through the dry wall. But these...these are the houses of the Joneses, aren't they? We live in a world where the happy little capes just aren't enough. We must have bigger, we must have better than our friends and colleagues. We compare our houses and cars and lives to the ones our high school friends have ... thank you, Facebook, for making that possible. High school competition revisited in adulthood.
Echo Lake Productions captures the world in which we live in brilliant fashion with The Joneses. We stumbled across this movie on On Demand recently, and it is worth the watch. It is insightful and, frankly, frighteningly accurate.

Maybe one of these days we'll buy one of these happy little homes...well...happy little farms in Dracut, and the cow grazing next to the road will be ours.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Most nights I think to myself...man it's been a long time since I blogged. But then another night goes by, and another day, and well, here we are weeks later. We've been back from vacation just long enough that I'm bordering on desperate for another one. Already.
It doesn't help that it appears we are just skipping spring this year. But for a few days smattered here and there, this has been a grey, chilly, rainy spring. I'm not gonna lie, it's depressing. It rained all day today, and apparently is the start of a full week of it. Know what this means? A week of 2.5 hour commutes each morning. Because when it rains, people forget how to drive. Even though these are people who are (supposed to) know how to drive in things like snow.
Lest this be an entirely downer of a post, let's talk for a moment about Arden's latest sport...soccer. She loves it. Well, she loved it starting the second week. The first week she spent crying about getting tripped, kicked, and her knees dirty. Our child. It was as if she had been taken over by some other girl. Through her tears..."this (hiccup) is not like it is at school." Oh. Right. School. Where the seas part upon her arrival...where no child dares challenge her. These soccer kids don't know of her Madonna-esque...do not make eye contact with me you underbeings...existence. They're learning.
Dora joined us on week two. Not a tear has been shed since. I think it's a combination of not daring to cry in front of Dora about getting kicked, but perhaps also the promise of Cracker Barrel for breakfast upon a job well done. What? Bribery gets you far in life, doesn't it? Regardless, it's worked. This was week four or five and she loves it. It is one of my favorite things each week, because she is so happy on the field. And she is running for a full hour straight, which leads to a calm, cool and collected kid for the remainder of the day. When will she be old enough to do this everyday?
Pictures from this week:
Running. In case this picture needed clarification.

Front and center ... no longer afraid of getting kicked.

Soccer for the U6 crowd shouldn't be called soccer as much as it should be called semi-controlled chaos.
It doesn't help that it appears we are just skipping spring this year. But for a few days smattered here and there, this has been a grey, chilly, rainy spring. I'm not gonna lie, it's depressing. It rained all day today, and apparently is the start of a full week of it. Know what this means? A week of 2.5 hour commutes each morning. Because when it rains, people forget how to drive. Even though these are people who are (supposed to) know how to drive in things like snow.
Lest this be an entirely downer of a post, let's talk for a moment about Arden's latest sport...soccer. She loves it. Well, she loved it starting the second week. The first week she spent crying about getting tripped, kicked, and her knees dirty. Our child. It was as if she had been taken over by some other girl. Through her tears..."this (hiccup) is not like it is at school." Oh. Right. School. Where the seas part upon her arrival...where no child dares challenge her. These soccer kids don't know of her Madonna-esque...do not make eye contact with me you underbeings...existence. They're learning.
Dora joined us on week two. Not a tear has been shed since. I think it's a combination of not daring to cry in front of Dora about getting kicked, but perhaps also the promise of Cracker Barrel for breakfast upon a job well done. What? Bribery gets you far in life, doesn't it? Regardless, it's worked. This was week four or five and she loves it. It is one of my favorite things each week, because she is so happy on the field. And she is running for a full hour straight, which leads to a calm, cool and collected kid for the remainder of the day. When will she be old enough to do this everyday?
Pictures from this week:
Running. In case this picture needed clarification.
Front and center ... no longer afraid of getting kicked.
Soccer for the U6 crowd shouldn't be called soccer as much as it should be called semi-controlled chaos.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Is there a Disney 12-step program?
If there is, it's clear we need one. We surprised Arden with a trip the first week of April. Hey, we had to make our annual passes worth it! I remain amazed that we didn't slip up and tell her beforehand. I'm trying to get the video to upload here but it's not working. I shall continue to try. Meanwhile, I have pictures. Be forewarned, there is no rhyme or reason to these pictures at this point, just ones that I love. Will do another post with a review of our hotel and other things. Riveting, no? Entrance of the Magic Kingdom!
Breakfast the first morning at Ohana at the Polynesian.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Glee is by far my favorite show on tv these days. In fact, I can't remember the last time I loved a show so much. They break into song..in the hallways. It's like a little dose of Broadway every week. Does it get better??? No...no it does not.
But my appreciation for the show goes far beyond the music. It embraces the different -- on Glee, you see, different is normal. It's for the theatre nerds and the band geeks and the choir members. The storylines are real, from the bullied to the teased to the confused. Glee has taken a powerful step, introducing the first on screen example of two teen boys falling for each other. It is touchpoints like these that are exceptionally important for the lost souls of high school. This song captures it all perfectly:
Lest you think I go a whole post without mentioning the child -- I am proud to say she too is a lover of Glee. She requests their music in the car, at bedtime, you name it. Tonight she wrote a song in the shower...'for Glee' -- something about rock and roll and fire. Future leader of a grunge band.
But my appreciation for the show goes far beyond the music. It embraces the different -- on Glee, you see, different is normal. It's for the theatre nerds and the band geeks and the choir members. The storylines are real, from the bullied to the teased to the confused. Glee has taken a powerful step, introducing the first on screen example of two teen boys falling for each other. It is touchpoints like these that are exceptionally important for the lost souls of high school. This song captures it all perfectly:
Lest you think I go a whole post without mentioning the child -- I am proud to say she too is a lover of Glee. She requests their music in the car, at bedtime, you name it. Tonight she wrote a song in the shower...'for Glee' -- something about rock and roll and fire. Future leader of a grunge band.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring! Sort of.
Thursday the temps started trending up. Arden broke out the scooter and the dog rejoiced that she was finally getting to leave the yard. By Friday it was 70. And then today at about 10AM it started to snow. And snow....and snow. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
The kid and I had a grand time this weekend. D had to travel for work, so we lived it up. Movies -- Mars Needs Moms; lunch with her intended on Saturday at the aforementioned Cafe Verde. Shopping for spring/summer clothes for the kiddo and tools for organization of her playroom. Sunday we stuck close to home and purged, organized and cleaned. She only cried once when she discovered a McDonald's toy in a bag headed for the trash. That she hadn't seen or played with for a couple of years. Good thing she didn't dig much deeper...I was merciless.
Some pictures of the last few days...
As of Thursday this was the last snow at the Reservoir. As of today, it looks different.
Making our way to lunch.
The kid and I had a grand time this weekend. D had to travel for work, so we lived it up. Movies -- Mars Needs Moms; lunch with her intended on Saturday at the aforementioned Cafe Verde. Shopping for spring/summer clothes for the kiddo and tools for organization of her playroom. Sunday we stuck close to home and purged, organized and cleaned. She only cried once when she discovered a McDonald's toy in a bag headed for the trash. That she hadn't seen or played with for a couple of years. Good thing she didn't dig much deeper...I was merciless.
Some pictures of the last few days...
As of Thursday this was the last snow at the Reservoir. As of today, it looks different.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Down with DST
I don't know about you, but I am seriously taking issue with the time change this year. I don't remember it impacting Arden...or heck...even us like this before, but the last few days have been terrible. I worked at home on Monday in order to crank out some proposals. Being the stellar mother I am, I allowed myself to be cajoled into keeping her home. Who needs kindergarten? In fact, she sneaky devil woke up on her own and went to play in her toy room upstairs. A true case of "maybe if I'm really quiet, they'll forget I'm here and not make me go to school."
Anyway. Monday night bedtime was nearly impossible. She went up around 9 with relative ease, but then an hour later it was "MOM!" ... she finally conked out around 11pm. Woke up around 5 complaining about something and when it was time to get up around 7 this morning...well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.
The GOOD news is she passed out early this evening so hopefully we'll get back on track soon.
Dora and I are both feeling the effects of it this year too. I was wide awake until nearly 3AM last night...so the child's 5AM wake up was, as you can imagine, super welcome.
But, 4ish paragraphs later I digress. While home on Monday, Arden decided to make use of the wonderful bag of tricks a sweet friend gave us for her. I can't decide on a favorite, can you?

Anyway. Monday night bedtime was nearly impossible. She went up around 9 with relative ease, but then an hour later it was "MOM!" ... she finally conked out around 11pm. Woke up around 5 complaining about something and when it was time to get up around 7 this morning...well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.
The GOOD news is she passed out early this evening so hopefully we'll get back on track soon.
Dora and I are both feeling the effects of it this year too. I was wide awake until nearly 3AM last night...so the child's 5AM wake up was, as you can imagine, super welcome.
But, 4ish paragraphs later I digress. While home on Monday, Arden decided to make use of the wonderful bag of tricks a sweet friend gave us for her. I can't decide on a favorite, can you?

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Another glimmer of hope for our city...
I'm toying with the idea of actually exploring the city in which we've lived for oh, 7.5 years and finding all the fabulous nuggets that make it...well...fabulous. Up first, Cafe Verde (www.mycafeverde.com). Clay and Veronica discovered it several weeks ago and I finally went by today. Great coffee, great desserts and and a wide array of sandwiches and other entrees made with local foods. The atmosphere is something special, dotted plentifully with tables and comfy couches and chairs. It's our very own Central Perk! On weekends they feature bands, folk, jazz, you name it. It really is something special, and gives me great hope for Lawrence. If you live in the area, go visit it, it's right downtown on Essex Street!
Arden collapsing into one of their chairs post hot cocoa and brownie inhalation. She approved.

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