This little creature wasn't feeling well this morning. She stayed home from school and watched mentally stimulating tv like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while I worked.

I decided to let the fall like weather inspire me to actually maximize my non-commuting status for the day. I cooked for our primal food approach (who needs grains?) and tried to use the abundance of CSA produce we had left in the fridge before tomorrow evening's pickup.
I roasted a chicken (raised by our friends, assisted into the next life by's that for local?) and made CSA grown green beans.
We had peaches that were on their last legs so I roasted them with a little butter, sugar and cinnamon. We finished off with a touch of heavy cream and voila 'dessert'.
I also chopped 8 or 9 yellow and green squashes to be used in a veggie heavy soup that D will make tomorrow.....
....Using the homemade broth from the aforementioned chicken.
Twas a good day. I was outrageously productive work-wise, but also on the homefront. Oh how I relish in days I can work at home.
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