It doesn't help that it appears we are just skipping spring this year. But for a few days smattered here and there, this has been a grey, chilly, rainy spring. I'm not gonna lie, it's depressing. It rained all day today, and apparently is the start of a full week of it. Know what this means? A week of 2.5 hour commutes each morning. Because when it rains, people forget how to drive. Even though these are people who are (supposed to) know how to drive in things like snow.
Lest this be an entirely downer of a post, let's talk for a moment about Arden's latest She loves it. Well, she loved it starting the second week. The first week she spent crying about getting tripped, kicked, and her knees dirty. Our child. It was as if she had been taken over by some other girl. Through her tears..."this (hiccup) is not like it is at school." Oh. Right. School. Where the seas part upon her arrival...where no child dares challenge her. These soccer kids don't know of her not make eye contact with me you underbeings...existence. They're learning.
Dora joined us on week two. Not a tear has been shed since. I think it's a combination of not daring to cry in front of Dora about getting kicked, but perhaps also the promise of Cracker Barrel for breakfast upon a job well done. What? Bribery gets you far in life, doesn't it? Regardless, it's worked. This was week four or five and she loves it. It is one of my favorite things each week, because she is so happy on the field. And she is running for a full hour straight, which leads to a calm, cool and collected kid for the remainder of the day. When will she be old enough to do this everyday?
Pictures from this week:
Running. In case this picture needed clarification.
Front and center ... no longer afraid of getting kicked.
Soccer for the U6 crowd shouldn't be called soccer as much as it should be called semi-controlled chaos.
This - "And she is running for a full hour straight, which leads to a calm, cool and collected kid for the remainder of the day." - is so true, Erin - it was true for Becca as well when she did soccer. In the last week alone, she's said that next year she wants to do gymnastics, soccer, softball, and dance! We told her she has to make up her mind. I secretly hope for soccer because of this very reason (and because then I don't have to struggle to put her hair into buns!).