- Arden and I moved on to Week 1 Day 2 Zombies, Run 5K Training today. 2.1 miles this morning. She makes a good coach.

- This evening Dora wanted to tackle all of Summer Village, so we did that as a family. It's 2.5 miles of hills, basically. So, Arden, Shelby and I did a total of 4.6 miles today. She fell asleep quickly.
- Soccer practice was canceled today due to rain. Turns out there isn't a game tomorrow either out of respect for Yom Kippur. Soccer games are pretty much my favorite thing these days, but I'm not sad about not having to get up and out of here in the morning.
- We are, in theory, moving home this weekend. But Summer Village is awesome so we lack total motivation. But man the commute to Boston leaves much to be desired.
- In prep for the aforementioned move home, we've been sparse on filling the fridge. Tonight's dinner was quite the smorgasbord. But I refuse to throw away food.
- I go back to work on Monday. A month of leave seemed like such a long time. Newsflash, it's not.
- We're watching The Campaign on HBO. Mindlessly hilarious.
And there we have it. The excitement of our life. You can see why the Christian Right hates us, can't you?
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