Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 1 - Check Check

We survived day one.  She had a good day.  "It was good. It was all good, Mom." (insert eye roll here. take a hint, stop asking how everything was.)

I love her school. It's like coming home. I love that there are only 13 kids (and two teachers!) in her class. Pretty good student/teacher ratio these days considering public school ratios are easily double that.  We talk a lot about moving, dreaming about the day we won't have to write the private school check.  Days like today that's almost unimaginable. Into the land of standardized testing.  I suppose the reality is that she will adapt to any situation, but Maria Montessori sure is charming.  And no, it's not all sunshine and roses, but that's another story for another day when I'm not falling asleep on the laptop.  For your viewing pleasure I have documented the day in pictures.  You're welcome.

It started with prying the kid out of bed.

Exhibit A:

An hour later we were on our way.  Third graders do not look at the camera and smile.

Exhibit B:

Third graders also do not pose for the obligatory locker photo.  Or look at you when they say goodbye.

Exhibit C:

Regardless of her non-photo compliance, we celebrated the first day with a trip to Orange Leaf (which should be renamed GOLD MINE, good grief!).  (Shout out to her spring soccer coach for the gift card which treated us!)

Exhibit D (still not smiling like a normal human):

Tomorrow we get to do it all over again.  She told me to wake her up at 5:59AM.  Maybe I should videotape that.

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