It's hard to believe, but we are closing in on 5 years old. Raising Arden has been, and I'm sure will continue to be, a total trip. She is brilliant, fabulous, and perhaps more than anything, unique. When Arden was born we were *so* happy to have a girl. We stuffed her into dresses and put bows in her hair. Dora went out and the first gift she ever got her, well, the first gift where she could really understand new toys, was a set of twin dolls. Those dolls have lived with us for 4 years now, and she's left them at the bottom of the baskets. "Arden, don't you want to push the dolls in your stroller?" "No, I'm pushing Stitch."
Arden is, without a doubt, who she is.
She loves to fish...

And be a firechief (that's her brother, Curious George)
Entirely unsure of what to do with a Barbie, Mermaid Barbie or not. Looking to Hailey for guidance, perhaps? (If she never gets into Barbie I'll be happy...all I remember about my Barbies and my grandmother's Barbies are the teeny tiny shoes). At least this one doesn't have feet!
Hailey knows what to do though!

Ah, back in the comfort of her superhero gear.


A limboing pirate

Takin' down a scurvy pirate with a water canon

Counting her treasure

One of the greatest picture of all times, an early celebration of two almost 5 year olds. We are so, so lucky.
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