We offered to bring dessert, so in the morning Arden and I made Grandma Joanne's famous chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. I'm on a mission to make them as perfect as my mom's, but according to Arden I'm not quite there yet. "That's not how Grandma Joanne does it." Everyone's a critic.
Anyway, we headed up 93 north in the drizzle to their gorgeous 5 acres. We bonded with the goats, the horses and the chickens. We had a wonderful dinner, all food (including the chicken!) was homegrown, and they sent us home with a dozen eggs from their chickens. Arden impressed our hosts with her taste for fancy cheeses. She even took the opportunity to shove a piece in my mouth...'just TRY it Mom." -- Funny, you'd think she's heard that somewhere before.
It was a wonderful evening and Arden was in heaven. They even had a hamster, whom Arden spent a good half an hour talking to. Somehow, I don't think that part of her personality is from me. The kid spent a great deal of time today talking about our trip and I'm relatively certain she will be inviting herself back in the near future. And I think she'd be relatively content to be put to work.
This morning we watched Food Inc. and King Corn where I learned all about the corporate manipluation that is the food industry. It was, in a word, horrifying. Every last bit of it. Dora succeeded in showing me the whats and the whys behind what she's concerned about. Lord knows I'm not a green thumb....so if we relied on me to grow what we eat...well, we might starve...but I'm willing to start with some tomatoes and see how it goes.
And now, onto the pictures. I don't think the grandparents even read the rambling writing ;-).
Arden mixing in the oats
The results (after chilling for 8 hours in the fridge before baking, of course)
Meeting Mama and her babies with Mama
This is Jolene. She thought Arden was the cat's meow. After all, Arden held a big bag of carrots.
These two were quite the conspirators. Arden wanted to bring her home. Jolene will go wherever the carrots are, I think.
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