Sunday, August 29, 2010

Arden Turns 5 - Take 2

Well, technically it's take 3 since she celebrated at her school on Monday, but I don't have any photos of that.

We had Arden's friend party this afternoon. Her choice this year was a Glow Bowling party. We had a great time, and I think our guests did too. I'm happy to say that almost everyone donned a pair of bowling shoes.

It was, of course, Candlepin Bowling, something I never knew existed pre-east coast life. I can't say I like it better (or nearly as much) as regular bowling, but I'll admit it's probably easier for the kids. I'd also like to put it out there that I came in first on my lane.

But I digress...onto the pics!

Arden designed this cake too. Baked, again, by Market Basket, it's exactly what she wanted!

Dora decorated while the rest of us bowled. I call this one "How to Make a Bowling Alley Festive"

This chair was a favorite -- it spins.


With her cake. Obviously.

She is much more willing to have people sing happy birthday to her these days. She used to loathe it. Come to think of it, she hated the song in general, and never wanted to be in the room with anyone singing it to her or someone else.

Blowing out the candles

Ripping into the gifts.

Post party spin through the arcade at the bowling alley.

Dance Dance Revolution!

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