Last I posted, the kid was sick. Well, she stayed that way for nearly two weeks. She was out of school for a week. I can't tell you the fun it is juggling a super sick kid with two full time working parents. I ususally have a huge amount of flexibility, but our big event was March 2nd so I was up against a wall. We split the week but it was indeed less than ideal on every front. It took the two full weeks for her to regain energy.
She spent a lot of time doing this:

Grandma Mary came to visit amidst all the illness. She stayed in the big city with Annette, but we managed to see her for a couple of days. First stop was Uncle Bobby and Mandy's new house. Though they've only been there a couple of months, they've made it so beautiful and homey.

Grandma Mary took 9 of us to see Mary Poppins.
It was the oddest adaptation of the story line. Mary Poppins was, quite frankly, mean. Arden fell asleep at the end, but has been requesting going to see it again. She seemed bored through a lot of it, but I have to keep in mind that she was still pretty sick and it was an evening show. She does love a good musical. Her current favorite radio programs are Standing Room Only (all Broadway, all the time), and the same radio station's acapella show. Between this and her love for Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson, I'm certain we are raising her right.
Our biggest event fundraiser was March 2. Arden came into the office on Sunday and helped the events team work on seating. This is Paul. He is the honorary co-chair of our event. His likeness resides in 'the sandbox' at our office. The sandbox is code for where the cool kids sit. I don't sit there.
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