At the risk of repeating's snowing. A lot. And I hate it. Yes, it's New England. I know I wanted seasons (which are, apparently, overrated), but this is overkill. Each week another 10-18 inches barrels down on us. There is no warmth to encourage melting...there is nowhere else to pile the snow. You take your life in your hands when you pull into each intersection, inching forward ever so slowly in attempt to see around the 8 foot piles on each corner. Winter wonderland my arse.
My current goal involves moving somewhere tropical and living in a yurt. Who's in?
Our backyard before the last 20 inches.

Driveway at the same time...
We've spent the last couple of weekends up in NH visiting Daun, Alyssa and the goats. Arden continues to be a huge goat fan. And, as it turns out, Annie is a big fan for Arden.


With George and Evie...the favorites


...and Arden....

A love story
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