Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Sick Bug

We've spent the last several days nursing the sick kiddo back to health. Saturday morning she was fine, but by Saturday afternoon she was exhausted and burning up. It came on quickly and has most certainly not had the courtesy to leave quickly. By Sunday morning her temperature was 103, so we called the pediatrician who met us at the office a couple of hours later. We were in and out in 10 minutes with a prescription. In addition to the fever she was complaining of a sore 'thrope' and an earache and a headache. Poor creature. She was tested for strep, but the results were negative. Apparently, though, there is a virus going around that mimics strep. What fun! Oh and she did have the start of an ear infection, so we left with abx for that and instructions to give her meds to keep the fever down.

Needless to say, it's been a pitiful few days, with the added bonus of juggling two full time jobs. We've alternated days at home...she goes back to school tomorrow. Phew. She was most upset that she was missing Valentine's Day at school. She'll deliver her cards to her friends tomorrow, and they are having a 100 day of school celebration Friday, so she didn't miss out on much! These are the things that are important when you are one wants to miss a good party!

A couple of pictures of the sick little creature:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Buried. Send Help. And Paxil.

At the risk of repeating's snowing. A lot. And I hate it. Yes, it's New England. I know I wanted seasons (which are, apparently, overrated), but this is overkill. Each week another 10-18 inches barrels down on us. There is no warmth to encourage melting...there is nowhere else to pile the snow. You take your life in your hands when you pull into each intersection, inching forward ever so slowly in attempt to see around the 8 foot piles on each corner. Winter wonderland my arse.

My current goal involves moving somewhere tropical and living in a yurt. Who's in?

Our backyard before the last 20 inches.

Driveway at the same time...

We've spent the last couple of weekends up in NH visiting Daun, Alyssa and the goats. Arden continues to be a huge goat fan. And, as it turns out, Annie is a big fan for Arden.


With George and Evie...the favorites


...and Arden....

A love story