The two...or maybe 4 people who read this blog may have noticed a bit of a blogging break. D's folks are renting a lake house for a month about 15 minutes from our house, and we've been here since July 3rd.
Not surprisingly, the first two weeks have flown by. They are captured, at least to some extent, in the pictures below. I promise a more in depth post soon ... including our master bathroom renovation that is happening while we're staying here. In the meantime, a sneak preview of our time here...
Packed up and ready to go. Yes, we're only 15 minutes from home. Yes, we packed the Pacifica to the gills. You're not really surprised, are you?

We have blown bubbles at the lake....

And watched the neighbors set off fireworks....

We have played with friends.....
And perfected our gang signs.

We have celebrated Mary...

And we have enjoyed the suitcase full of gifts from Nonno and Grandma (Stay tuned for a full post on Nonno.)

We have been swimming and floating and swimming some more.

We have gone bowling....
Mary using bowling as a teachable moment.

We have played games...
....Created by our little dictator
Manicures at Mandy's House of Nails....

Movie star...

We have danced with pneumonia....

....and taken a spin through Floating Hospital

We have fed the ducks and the fish....

And enjoyed some quiet moments just embracing this gift.
I love how you titled it the master bathroom renovation. that is awesome and sounds so classy.