I have some pictures from before and after, but we'll have to wait for Auntie Nette to sent me whatever photos she took since our camera is still broken and we were limited to the iPhone. We did get a video, and someday we'll figure out how to get it uploaded. Arden had an absolute blast, I don't think she stopped jumping around and dancing for 30 minutes after the show ended.
We were so happy that Nonna and Annette came to see her perform, and I spent the entire time she was on stage in tears. No question she'll go back in the fall!
Her routine was to the Squeakquels "Single Ladies".
Before the show ... I call this "FIERCE"
Ever so excited to be going on stage this afternoon!
With Nonna!
Showing off her flowers and medal
Too many cameras to look at
If you like it then you should have put a ring on it...
Post gymnastics show dinner at Arden's choice...Cracker Barrel. Nonna had never been before and she loved it. Well, once she got over the price of a cup of hot tea...$1.69! "I'll just have water." (disclaimer, we ordered her hot tea against orders not to. we decided we could splurge for the 93 year old, just this once)
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