Friday, March 14, 2014

Sam Adams, Beer of the Year!

This has been quite the week in the Boston LGBT community. Headlining the papers (and social media) has been the storied South Boston St. Patrick's Day parade. The one that for the entirety of its existence has banned gay people from marching. The one that for a moment said sure, 2014 is the year that openly gay veterans can march. As long as they do not say they are gay. Or wear a shirt that might infer they are gay. And then the organizers changed their minds. So there will be no gay people marching in the parade. 

Marty Walsh, the new mayor of Boston, has spoken out aggressively about this, and is trying to talk some sense into the clearly discrimination heavy parade hosts, the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council. Mayor Walsh has said he will not march unless the gays are welcomed to march openly. Go Mahty!

Sam Adams has been the beer sponsor for the St. Patrick's day parade for eons. Yesterday, Club Cafe - the restaurant where we happened to celebrate our wedding nearly ten years ago - said they were removing Sam Adams beer from their menu and bar until Sam Adams pulled their sponsorship of the parade.

Guess what? Sam Adams pulled their sponsorship of the parade.

This story was on the radio as Arden and I were driving home from school. She asked about it and I won't lie, I got a little verklempt at the incredible support that is happening for the LGBT community. For our community. For my family.

Ten years ago we rushed to the altar to make sure we had a chance of being grandfathered in if Mittens (not a typo) Romney was successful in overturning marriage equality. Now we have a president more outspoken than any politician in history about equality. We have governors and mayors and senators fighting for our families - and not just in whispers behind closed doors. They are as out and proud as we are and you know what? It's awesome.

Now go out and buy yourself something to drink.

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