Well, I made it to mid-January for posting on a daily basis. That's some sort of record for me. I haven't blogged the last few days. I tried to do it from my phone but couldn't figure out how to upload photos so gave up. I've been leaving the laptop closed in recent days because I am knee deep in this:
In case you can't read microscopic words, it's Sue Monk Kidd's The Invention of Wings. Someday I will pick less intense books. I am wholly sucked in with about 200 pages left to read. Almost time to figure out what's next.
Anyhoo, the rest of our long weekend involved hockey and downtime.
Arden is officially the UNH Lady Wildcats' biggest fan. We went up again on Sunday and brought two of her friends.
She spends a fair amount of time on her feet during these games. She's just so into it. It's hilarious. And yes she wants to play. And yes we're contemplating. And by we I mean me, because Dora already said she will not be driving to 5AM practices.
Toward the end of the game, her buddy C was the lucky recipient of a puck that went over the glass. All three kids decided to relocate after that happened because Arden and and R decided they too needed pucks -- and they'd just go catch their own.
Of note, they didn't catch them. But I have a feeling this is where she will want to sit from now on. Time to get a face mask.
All three kids had a grand old time, and C and R have asked if I'll just swing by to pick them up for the rest of the season's games. Guess that's a good sign. I'll probably have to promise not to overindulge them every time as I did this time -- too many treats for anyone's good. But once in awhile it's fun to be that mom.
Monday was MLK Day. Arden and I were both home - Dora had to work. We had a much needed lazy day. There was a lot of iPad time and we didn't get out of our pjs.
I was semi-productive in getting us ready for the week, baking these for A's snacks Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Muffins. They're made with applesauce and were a shockingly big hit.
I also experimented with the crock pot - trying to come up with new and different ways to finish off the pork in the freezer before our new pig arrives in a month. The jury is still out on what I made. I think the recipe was short on flavor. That said - the crock pot is obviously the world's best only way to make pork chops. They were so soft - and that meat is typically just so tough.
Experimenting again tonight with my tried and true marinade. We shall see.
So we've had some highs and just some averages the last few days. And we've spent a lot of time staring out the window. The sun is alluring. Until you step outside and it is negative 5. So you go back and sit on the couch and keep staring out the window. Because spring will be here before we know it. Right?