Geez, I don't blog for a week and come in here to find D has taken over the blog to write about a slimy toad. You can imagine her joy that Arden was so happy to see the toad, given my reaction of disgust.
Anyway, today (sadly) ended my parents' annual trip to MA. It was longer than usual this time, at 9 days, but as usual the time just flew. I'll recap with photos over the next couple of days.
They landed on Thursday night, we had dinner at one of Arden's favorite restaurants, Ruby Tuesdays. I worked at home the next day and they came over midday to hang out with the kid while I worked. After I was done we headed to the bookstore where Grandma and Pops proceeded to buy her the whole children's section. She sure was happy to have books that she didn't have to return. Apparently, the library isn't all it's cracked up to be.
She and my mom made cookie batter in prep for the next day, and we just hung around the house.
Saturday morning Arden had gymnastics and her teacher let us come in at the end to watch them practice for their upcoming show, since my folks won't be able to come. All the windows are covered since it's supposed to be a suprise, but hey, now that I know the routine I've downloaded the song so we can practice ;-).
Arden spent much of the afternoon baking with Grandma and playing in the yard with Pops. They played soccer, football and baseball. Oh, and sword fighting, of course.
Sunday we headed up to Canobie Lake. It was a picture perfect day, warm but not too warm and quiet as could lines and no waiting. My kinda day.
Here are the first couple of days in pictures. More to come, I promise.
Playing soccer-baseball with Pops. She makes up all the rules when playing games, consider yourselves warned.

She approves of the cookies.
Discussing, I think, why the Yankees suck.
She borrowed one of Pops' hats...Brooklyn Dodgers.
In the orange 'copter
Looking about 8 or 9 years old here, if you ask me
Sassy McSasserson
Fighter pilot. Or astronaut?
Bored stiff on this ride. None of us were sure why she wanted to do action!
Love her braids in this pic
View from the Sky Ride. Sure is a picturesque place for an amusement park.
Riding with Grandma and Pops. We were chopped liver the moment they arrived.
D was extremely pleased with her choice of transportation
Next ride, the back of the carriage. Odd.
Strolling with Pops
Patienty waiting to play the fishing game
Fishing. She won a Shrek, which she told me to give D for our anniversary